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Our Aims and Expectations

Engaging With the Local Community

Ever since opening its doors in 1985, the Hyndburn Comets Majorettes has lived up to its reputation as the fantastic competing Dance Group in the industry, winning numerous trophies and medals over the years. They currently compete in the Premier Dance Association and attend the competitions from March to September throughout the North-West and North Wales. Once a year we hold our own competition locally to help raise much needed funds for the club where over 20 other Majorette Troupes attend to compete. We also attend a full weekend competition in Prestatyn for our end of season championship. Sessions are currently £5 throughout the year, this is even when we have a competition at the weekend. We offer the 1st training session completely free to see if this hobby is something you would like to pursue. Membership is also required once a year of £20 that is required prior to the 1st competition. this is to cover the cost of uniform hire, uniform cleaning costs, baton hire, pumps to use and insurance. Being a registered charity we do apply for funding when possible to aid us when other costs such as holding our own competition in Accrington, aid with transport costs, assist with equipment purchases and purchases of new uniforms.

At the Hyndburn Comets Majorettes, we believe that we teach dedication, hard-work, responsibility, commitment and team working skills that are needed in every day life. We are also a hobby were great friendships can be made. All our members have bonded in the world of dance and many continue their friendships into their personal lives which is wonderful to see. 

We want the members to commit and be part of a team that competes and train together. We pride ourselves on our routines and techniques to make our dances individual and unique to us. 

We want to aim to win and become successful within our association and become more recognised within our local area. 

The support from our dancers and their families over the years has been wonderful and we want this to continue for many more years.

The Hyndburn Comets Majorettes offer a family based structure to everyone. We Welcome Everyone!

About: Mission

Your #1 Majorette Group in Accrington

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